Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy to see Whitey

Whitey is the name of a squirrel who lives at the park where I run. He has a white tail. Clever name, yeah, I know.

I was happy to see Whitey, this morning, when I arrived at the park. I was happy because his presence was a distraction from the daunting work I was about to do. I'm not a runner. I never have been. But I soon will be. For the last several weeks, I have been training to run a 5K. It's hard. Having Whitey there makes it easier. His squirrely antics are all the more amusing because his appearance is so unique, and he's easy to discern from the other squirrels. I can pick him out from quite a distance and observe him for extended periods of time, without him blending into the trees, like the other squirrels do. He's stinkin' cute!

Life is full of hard things that we have to (or choose to) do. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning to go running, but I did it anyway. When I saw Whitey, chasing another squirrel out of his territory, it made me smile, and I was glad that I hadn't given up and stayed in bed. Several times during my run, when it was getting hard to catch my breath, and my legs felt like rubber, I thought of Whitey and found enough strength to keep going. Thanks to Whitey, I didn't quit.

There have been many "Whiteys" in my life. People who have been there to support me and help me keep going. I know TODAY that I'm not a quitter, because I am surrounded by "Whiteys". Thank you, Whitey.

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